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Dont be confident when someone tells

Dont be confident when
someone tells you they
like you,
the real question is...
"Untill when..?" because
just like seasons,

Love isnt a decision,

Love isnt a decision,
its a feeling. If we
could decide whom to love,
then, life would be
much simpler, and magical.
 Expres your love to
 whom you love most


We may easily forget the people

"We may easily
forget the people
with whom we laughed
and enjoyed. But , we
never forget the person
with whom we cried
and shared our feelings..."

What to do if you forget everything in the exam hall??

What to do if you
forget everything in
the exam hall??

leave the page blank
and at the bottom draw
flowers and write....
"In memory of my
memory, which recently
passed away!"

A lie can make anything

A lie can
make anything
possible in the world,
but it can't create
a single drop of love
in anybody's heart.

People who say it cannot be done

"People who say it
cannot be done
should not interrupt
those who are
doing it"..

So....BE confident
on what you are doing..
for your EXAMS....
May you come out with
flying colours...!

Killing English

Killing English

" you 3 of you, stand 
together separately."

"Wil you hang that map
or else i will hang myself"

"tomorrow call your parents,
expecialy Mother and Father."

English Teacher:
"Y are you looking at 
the monkeys outside
When i'm in the class."

Fighting with the world is easy,

Fighting with the world
is easy,
You either WIN or LOOSE.
But Fighting with close ones
is difficult,
If you lose, you lose.
and even if  you win, you

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