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If your lovable ones become angry

If your lovable ones become
angry with you, don't feel bad
because, angryness is the most
childish and true way of showing
deep love towards you.

Always be ready for everything

Truly inspiring "Always
be ready for everything
in life, because life is too
short and we don't have
time to practice for everything
before it happens.."

Its very easy to say busy

Its very easy to say busy
When someone needs you!!
But it is very painful to hear
busy when you need

The feel of missing a person

"The feel of missing a person
comes when we either wish
to share the happiest moment
or a sad moment to the person
we love and we dont find them

Life has many great options

"Life has many great options.
You don't have to always pick,
what seems to be the best..!
Just pick, whatever Makes you

Somebody Whom you love

Somebody  Whom  you  love
Enters  your  life  just  for  Two
 For  Loving  you  Forever
OR  To
Teach  you  not  to  Love
Again  Ever...!

One Beautiful heart

"One Beautiful heart
is better than thousand
beautiful faces."
"One honest wish of
sweet  person is stronger
than thousands Gods

True friends never leave

True friends never leave
each other.
Sometime they fight, argue,
they may sit quiet, but in their
heart they will always say,
"I'm still here for you"

LKG boy:

LKG boy:
maga, nam appa
tumba hedarupukla
Friend: adu hege?
LKG boy:
nammappa road
cross madovagella
nanna kai hidkotare....

Its Not easy to compromise one

Its easy to convince one who
is in anger but its Not easy to
compromise one who is
Never desappoint a person
who cares you......

Problems and difficulties are like

Problems and difficulties are
like Big Cotton Bags. It looks
huge for those who see it but
it looks lighter for those who
handle it..

People don't always need advice

"People don't always need
advice. Sometimes all they
really need is a hand to hold,
an ear to listen and a heart to
understand them...!!"

Adjustment with right people is always better

"Adjustment with right people
is always better than arguement
with wrong people.
A meaningful silence is always
better than meaningless talk."

Having a smile on your face

Having a smile on your face is a
good compliment to life.
But putting a smile on other's face
by your efforts is the best compliment
to life..!!!

Life doesn't give you the people

Life doesn't give you the people
you want . Instead it gives you
the one you need. To teach you,
to hurt you, to love you and to
make you exactly the way you should be.

It's not very hard to sacrifice everything

Great Lines: "It's not very hard
to sacrifice Everything for
someone.... But it's hard to
find that someone who
Respect your sacrifices.

one who fails in love

cute reply:
dad:1 who wins in love wins
life, one who fails in love can
win the worls.
Children: but wat is the use of
win in the world aftere losin life.

Its all about being happy anyhow

In life, we all have An
unspeakable secret.
An irreversible regret,
An unreachable dream
and unforgetable love!
But  Its all about being
happy anyhow.

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